Logistics glossary

  • Agent shipping: Is a company that offers a maritime transport service (goods and / or passengers), by the way it has (owner) or it charters (charterer).Is designated person or agency held responsible for handling shipments or cargo.
  • Algeria transport: Algeria, the transport sector is not developed enough to meet the needs of the market. To compensate for infrastructure shortcomings, many projects have been implemented which are in the implementation phase, to make it more efficient and effective sector in its contribution to the country’s economic development.
    Road transport is the most important, which is seen diverse area of ​​Algeria. While some Algerian regions still remain isolated due to the lack of road infrastructure, the Algerian road network remains one of the densest of the African continent; its length is estimated at 112,039 km of roads. The East-West Highway 1 216 km connects the city of Annaba in the Far East to the town of Tlemcen in the far west.
    For transport by rail and air lines are installed between regions but it is limited to freight transport.
    On maritime transport, shipping lines exist for international but not between regions of the Algerian coast to transport goods.
    Algeria is in need of investment experts to develop transport services.
  • Air Freight: Is a set of products mainly using the mode of air transport and offers a wide choice of solutions adapted to all the needs of our customers.
  • Auxiliary Transport Service: Auxiliaries for the transport of goods by road are natural or legal persons under Algerian law who perform charter, groupage, storage, delivery, distribution, consignment, transport commission
  • Charter: hire a ship an aircraft or a ground vehicle for carrying goods as part of a convention.
  • Customer Relationship management: comprises all the marketing and support devices or operations and to process information that concerns prospects and customers with the intention of retain them and maximize turnover margin per customer.
  • Conventional Transport: The type of transport which transports all types of goods in partial lots or complete batches throughout the national and European territory. Road is a route between two destinations Transport is said conventional when done in terms of weight, and dimensions comply with the requirements of the Highway Code. . (<Or = 16.50 meters long / <or = 2.55 meters wide / <or = 40 tonnes). Conventional transport can affect all types of transport (same standard container) especially transport.
  • Porte-conteneurs
  • In the truck vans
  • On standard and low platform.
  • In tank door

Conventional transports, in particular trailer ranges, crane trays and low loader racks.

  • Consignment: it is the representation of foreign shipowners or carriers escalent the port of refuge, the consignee is responsible for operations that the captain does not fulfill itself by the management of the goods (Rolls, Containers, Conventional), and receipt of the goods on arrival and the normal needs of ship.1 until final delivery to the recipient and vice versa.

Consignment is an act of transferring goods from one person to another without changing ownerships

  • Containers: Designed to hold all general goods (polyvalent containers) or given goods (specialized container) in bulk or lightly packed, especially for transport.

Designed for easy transport without reloading, by a means of transport (road, marine, rail, air) or a combination of several of them. And fitted with devices permitting its easy handling. Standard containers measuring 20 to 45 feet long.

  • Container Management: container management, go through the following steps:
  • operations’ pre-containerization “
    • – The Supply of container: the owner uses its own container or maritime carrier leases the container.
    • – L’empotage Container: loading the goods in the container.
    • – The Management of container by the carrier: obligations for the carrier must ensure that the loading of all the supported containers.
  • Loading operations:
    • – setting Container
    • -The obligation of the shipping company for the maritime voyage.
  • Loading operations      

Operations port after docking the ship

The Legal problems relating to the potted goods.

-Responsibility for delays

-The unloading of the container

Operations port after docking the ship

The Legal problems relating to the potted goods.

Responsibility for delays.

The unloading of the container.

  • The return of the empty container: after unloading.
  • The delivery of the container to the port of export
  • Consignee: the natural or legal person (agent) who is responsible for conducting, on behalf and for the account of the owner and / or sea carrier, as the port of loading to the ship port of landing that is recorded him is to say addressed all operations to deliver the goods.
  • Coach: A vehicle intended for the transport of the goods and animals, for the transport of the people. Wagon is equipped with refrigerating machine for the transport of perishable goods.
  • Damage: loss, damage or extraordinary expenses arising during a maritime shipping and moving the ship or cargo. Damage to the vessel and goods since their departure or loading until arrival or unloading.
  • Dangerous Goods: material or substance which, when loaded into transport vehicles are governed by specific provisions concerning the safety é Examples of hazardous materials:
    • Explosives
    • toxic substances
    • Flammable Liquids,
    • corrosive substances,
    • oxidizing materials and radioactive
    • Substance or material that poses a high risk to the health, safety and the environment
  • Distribution: means all actors who market a product it delivered to the final consumer (individual or company). In a broader sense, the concept of distribution includes the intermediate types wholesalers
  • Exceptional transport: Exceptional transport: Exceptional transport concerns the circulation in exceptional convoys of goods, vehicles or vehicles whose dimensions or weight exceed statutory limits and are liable to hinder traffic or to cause accidents. This transport is subject to prior authorization and under strict conditions.
  • FCL/FCL The container will be filled with goods by a single consignor and open only when he arrived at his sole recipient. During the trip, it can be opened only in the case of customs control. This is the least risky shipping solution.
  • FCL / LCL: a container loaded once at the start but containing goods to be separated and sent to different receivers on arrival.
  • FCL / LCL: the cargo on board the container, are in the same port, but not all addressed to the same recipient. Upon the arrival of the container in the port of discharge, the goods will be unbundled and made available to different recipients.
  • Freight forwarding: Through international trade that is fully loaded (customs clearance operations, transport, transport management) movements of goods to any point on the planet. This is the only contact for shipments. He ensures the correct execution of the deliveries and assists the customer in the dispute. Person authorized by local customs, having passed an examination that covers a wide range of knowledge, including customs legislation, customs classification, customs tariff, import and export regulations, shipping procedures, commercial documentation.
  • Goods: is an object, a product that is sold or bought, either in bulk or in detail. A commodity may be a raw material or an intermediate used or processed in the manufacture of a product or a service. This narrower concept refers to materials or products exchanged in large quantities. Goods may also be resold, processed or processed in a minor way.
  • Incoterms Words represented by three letters that define the conditions for international sales. Set up by the International Chamber of Commerce and effect of fixing the obligations of the seller and the buyer at the transport chain.

There are 11 commercial terms divided into two main categories:

  • The first includes transport by sea and internal waterway
  • The second applies regardless of the mode of transport.

The various existing Incoterms: DAT,DAP,EXW,FCA,FAS,FOB,CFR,CIF,CIP,CPT,DDP

Incoterms are trade terms published by the international chamber of commerce (ICC).Are used to make international trade easier by helping traders who are in different countries to understand one another.

  • LCL: Less than container load: consignment occupying less volume than that offered by the container used. Quantity of goods to be grouped together to form a complete container.
  • LCL / FCL: container loaded with several different suppliers of lots for them to be delivered to the same recipient
  • LCL / LCL container loaded with several lots of different providers for different recipients.
  • Logistics consulting and administration: an organization created by a group of professional experience filled. The group is created for companies and other organizations to make available to the partners: the knowledge accumulated in many research and know-how acquired after years of practical work in business and in various profiles of logistics professions. Are experts who advise companies on the best ways to improve the warehouse and distribution process to increase profit and efficiency
  • Logistics Operations: means all the operations necessary to trade flows, design and preparation of goods on production sites until delivery to places of consumption. Logistics operations can be of nature and diverse objectives: humanitarian, military, export-import. For the company, logistics operations are to manage the movement of goods and information, for the sake of saving time and reducing costs. Operational logistics encompasses all physical, information, financial and management operations relating to the storage and movement of goods during production as well as the optimized delivery of products from production sites to consumers.
  • Logistics provider: a logistics provider is a logistics actor performing some operations on behalf of its clients. It is a link in the supply chain between the supplier and the end customer.
  • Lean management: Lean is a management method that aims to improve the performance of the company through the development of all employees. The method makes it possible to find the ideal operating conditions by working together personnel, equipment and sites in order to add value with as little waste as possible
  • Lean logistics: describe the design of the logistics system and the main objective is to avoid waste of resources. Organizations are stuck in a constant cycle that drives them to improve their business in order to gain a competitive edge.
  • Logistic person receiving benefits: A logistic person receiving benefits it is a logistic actor carrying out certain operations on behalf of his customers. It is a chain link of supply because located between the supplier and the distributor
  • Messaging: We designate by mail transport any activity of routing parcels or goods. It is a fast, reliable, one-way transport service equivalent to that of a courier.
  • Physical Distribution: This is the set of physical operations (storage, kitting, packing, shipping, delivery …) involved in the transfer of property from its producer to consumer.
  • Road Freight: Road transport means transportation of goods and personnel from one place to the other on roads. Road is a route between two destinations.
  • Sea Freight: goods transported on ships from one port to another by a shipping company are called “sea freight”. This is done under a bill of lading (BL), as transport the goods. And is one of the longest established forms of transporting goods internationally.
  • Ship: It is building of high tonnage, bridged, suitable for sea navigation.
  • Ship owner: A person who deals of the equipment and the commercial exploitation of shipment. Its activity is the maritime transport of goods or passengers.
  • Shipper: The shipper is the  intermediary  between  customers  who have  goods  to dispatch and to  transport them .He searches  the best means  of transport  (cost,time,way) for his customer. Person or company whose job is organizes the sending of goods from one place to another.
  • Storage: Is a basic operation of storage performance more or less complex depending on the nature of the inputs and outputs in particular to be performed. Accumulation of various elements in a common restricted place to conserve it.
  • Shipping: Is one of the activities carried out by each e-commerce or the seller entrusts the goods to a carrier so that it reaches the customer. Moreover, it is a major activity that each e-commerce must take into consideration if it wishes Deliver to its customers a positive experience by delivering the ordered products correctly and on time.
  • Shipping Lines :shipping companies is the service of transporting goods through high capacity, ocean vessels that transit regular lines on fixed schedules. There are about 400 line services in service today, most offering weekly departures from all ports as each of the service calls .lines trafficking. Shipping line is a business that transports cargo aboard ships.
  • Shipping companies: is a company that offers a maritime transport service (goods and / or passengers), by the way it has (owner) or it charters (charterer).
  • Supply chain Management: product flow and information associated with the logistics process from purchase of raw materials to the delivery of finished products to consumers. The supply chain includes the collaboration and coordination of all service providers and partners. All the players in the supply chain, from producers of raw materials to final consumers, through all possible intermediaries (processors, wholesalers, transporters, distributors, etc.).
  • Supply Chain: corresponds to a structuring thought for the business, but also for its suppliers and its customers. It allows to better connect to their exchange of information, tools and by computer transmission, all players in the global supply chain: retailers, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers, producers, transporters, etc. Or it may be the designation of all interrelated businesses (considered the different links in the chain) that is coordinating the implementation of activities (procurement, production and distribution) to ensure the flow of product or service design at their end of life.
  • Transport agent: The transport agent is an organizer of transport .It proceeds on its behalf, with the transports of the goods which are entrusted to him by the charger by choosing itself the various carries which he needs.
  • Transportation of all types of goods: goods are goods transported under / without packaging, for room or consolidated package:
    • Metal product (laminated metal sheet, salmon, packets, wire, bars …).
    • Structured Products reinforced concrete (beams, rails, columns, slabs, panels, pipes, tree bands …).
    • In containers (large, medium and small, special …).
    • In transport packets (on / without pallets stowed under cover …).
    • Per piece in packages (in boxes of various materials and dimensions).
    • Cargo in hogsheads (barrels, kegs of different constructions with various goods, baskets) heavy and bulky.
    • Wood (timber, lumber, timber against plywood, wood panels).
  • Trailers:
    • Wood (timber, lumber, timber against plywood, wood panels).
    • tipping trailer: dual axle tipping trailer with wheels underneath and open side panels aluminum, ideal for dump on construction materials, but also to transport materials on pallets, mini tractors … -pelles or braked trailer, subject to technical inspection many options for a trailer that fully meets the requirements of professional
    • Tri benne: is a dumpster that has the particularity to offer an unloading on the back of the bucket, but also on two lateral sides
    • Luggage: this range of trailers with a modern design has a robust aluminum construction. These trailers are specially designed and developed for and in the particular market requirements
    • Gate motorcycles: the trailer bike is a dice platform more suitable for transporting motorcycles of any size, including traditional scooters.
    • door car: it is a flatbed trailer without side panels, but fitted with a welded rail 10 CM high or an articulated aluminum panel 10 CM High
  • Type de vessel:
    • Porte-conteneurs
    • Container
    • Bulk carriers
    • Versatile
  • RO RO: technical loading and unloading ramp on ships dedicated to the transport vehicles (boarding by rolling).
    • Refrigerated
    • Crude Oil
    • Oil Products
    • Versatile Chemical
    • Chemical specialist
    • Bitumiers
    • Gas
    • Ferry
    • Cruise Ships
    • Steamers line
    • Cable ships
    • Offshore
    • Tugs
    • Search
    • Dredging
  • Transport Algeria: this is an innovative solution in the field of freight transport management. We noticed that there was a lot of gap in this area in Algeria. This has led us to design an information system, which allows efficient management of the transport of goods in general. It is a project that includes many economic players. We have noticed that there are many carriers who leave their trucks or semi-trailers stationary. A problem that is not especially the lack of work but much more the lack of reliable communication between them and their potential customers.
  • Transit Algeria: freight forwarder and customs agents involved in customs clearance, freight and parcel transport, logistics, cargo, import-export declaration. The call of goods abroad, followed by docking of ships and surveillance at landing, completion of port and customs formalities in the shortest possible time. Delivery to previously designated sites, irrespective of the size and weight of packages to be transported, place of delivery or terms of sale.